Privacy Policy of Absolute Rest Inc.

General Disclaimer

Thank you for visiting Absolute Rest Inc. (as applicable, “Absolute Rest,” “We,” or “Us”) online or through use of our mobile application or associated product(s) (collectively, the “App”), and for reviewing our Privacy Policy. We strive to ensure that our customers and visitors are well-informed of the measures We have set in place to protect any personal information collected through our website, as well as the storage and disposal of that information.

This Privacy Policy discloses the privacy practices we utilize through operation of and the App, and applies solely to the information collected by this website and the App through such operation. Through this notice, you will be informed of the following:

  1. What personal information is collected from your use of and/or the App, as well as how the information is used and with whom that information may be shared.
  2. What choices are available to you regarding the use of the information.
  3. The security procedures in place to protect the misuse of your information.
  4. How you may correct any potential inaccuracies in your information.

Information, Collection, Use, and Sharing

We are the sole owners of the information collected on our website and App. We only have access to and collect information that you voluntarily provide to us via use of our website, the App, e-mail, or through other direct contact from you. We do not and will not sell or rent this information to any other person or entity.

We will use the information you provide in order to respond to you and the reason you have contacted us, as well as assist you in your successful use of our website and App. We will not share your information with any third-party outside of our organization other than as necessary to help remediate any potential safety concerns, security risks or failures, or to monitor, improve, and enhance your experience with using our website and/or App. Websites such as Google and Facebook provide services we may utilize to perform these valuable enhancement and improvement features, but the sharing of your information for the utilization of these services only extends to your basic contact information. Again, we do not and will not rent or sell your information to any other person or entity. Period.

We may contact you via e-mail in the future in order to inform you of special offers, new products or services, or changes to this Privacy Policy. However, should you not want to receive this special information, then you may choose not to by e-mailing us to inform us of your decision using the e-mail provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Healthcare Disclaimer

While our website and App is designed to assist in assessing the quality of your sleep, including identifying and measuring the specific attributes of your sleep environment, behavior and physiology during sleep, and analyzing the pathology of your sleep as a general polysomnography (or, sleep study), the information provided through your use of our website and App is provided only as a resource and is not intended to replace the direct provision of medical treatment or related healthcare services.

Make no mistake, we employ several credentialed doctors and doctorates, but by law we must advise you to consult your primary care provider before making any decisions regarding your health or any specific medical condition you may experience. Absolute Rest Inc. expressly disclaims all responsibility, and shall have no liability in any form or capacity whatsoever, for any injury, costs, loss, or other damages you may experience as a result of your reliance on the information provided through your use of our website and App.

We want to help improve the quality of both your sleep and, in turn, your life, but Absolute Rest is neither a provider of medical treatment, a healthcare services organization, or a physician practice group. You should never disregard the advice you receive from your personal medical professionals. In the event you ever experience a medical emergency, call your primary care provider and/or 911 immediately. Your reliance on the information provided through your use of our website and App must be solely at your risk.


When you visit websites from your computer, the web servers utilized by those websites create small packets of information regarding your visit to the website. These small packets of information are known as “Cookies.” The websites you visit use these cookies to monitor your activity while visiting the website, such as which pages you visited and which links you accessed, and to record information about you. With this information the websites can provide customized features to you in the event you return, thereby enhancing your experience with those websites.

There are two (2) different types of cookies utilized by websites. The first is what is known as a “Session” cookie. A session cookie temporarily records a small amount of information in your internet browser’s memory, but this information expires and is destroyed when you close your internet browser. The second type of cookie is known as a “Persistent” cookie. Persistent cookies save the small amount of information created by your visit to a website to your computer’s hard drive and in the event you re-visit a website, your computer accesses the persistent cookie. Persistent cookies allow a website to understand what your interests were the last time you visited the website, and uses that information to enhance your experience with the website.

We use persistent cookies on our website in order to enhance our users’ experience with Our goal is that by using this information we can optimize your experience with our website by catering to both your and all of our Users’ interests. We also want to use this information to help us make improvements to our website where necessary.

Information Disposal

In order to protect your personal information, we maintain and destroy all electronically submitted information according to the principles of the Federal Records Act and the regulations and records schedules of the National Archives and Records Administration. It is also possible that some of the information you provide to us through our website may be subject to the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act. You can review your rights regarding your information by visiting the Freedom of Information Act homepage at

Information Involving Children

Although Absolute Rest does not specifically market to children under the age of thirteen (13), and the minimum required age to use our website and/or App is eighteen (18) years of age, we care and are concerned with the privacy of child web users and understand that the nature of digital access in our society provides the possibility that a person younger than the age of eighteen (18) may access certain digital content, such as our website and/or App, through falsifying their age when prompted, asked, or required to provide same. Thus, Absolute Rest fully complies with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) and all provisions and regulations prescribed by COPPA.

As contemplated above, Absolute Rest does not knowingly contact, solicit, record, or collect personal information from children under the age of eighteen (18), and in the event we discover that we have been defrauded or deceived into collecting such information, we will either immediately use that information to notify the parents and/or legal guardians of such activity or completely destroy the information collected. If you believe that we have received personal information from children under the age of eighteen (18), please e-mail us using the e-mail address at the bottom of this Policy to let us know so that we may take appropriate action.

Social Media and Third-Party Websites

We sometimes utilize various social media platforms and websites in order to interact with our customers, improve our customers’ experience with our website and/or App, and engage with potential customers. While our website or App may have links to other websites, we do not use these platforms or other third-party websites to record, solicit, or collect personal information from our customers or web visitors. However, other third-party websites may collect your information for those websites’ various purposes, and our Privacy Policy does not apply to these other third-party websites.

Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other websites. We encourage you to keep this in mind when you leave our website and also review the privacy policies of any third-party website should you decide to visit and use same. These other websites may also collect personally identifiable information.

The privacy policies of the social media platforms and websites we utilize to grow the Absolute Rest community are listed below and may be accessed by clicking on the included hyperlink.

  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • YouTube:
  • Google Plus:
  • Pinterest:
  • Instagram:

General Security and Options

We take your personal information quite seriously and understand that you do too. Thus, you may choose to decline any future contact from us at any time. Also, you may e-mail or call us using the phone number and e-mail address provided at the end of this Policy at any time in order to:

  1. See what information of yours we have collected.
  2. Change or correct any information we have for you.
  3. Direct us to delete any information we have for you.
  4. Identify any concern you may have regarding our use of your data.

We also take several precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive personal information to us through or our App, your information is protected both online and offline. Wherever we collect this information (such as your personal, identifying, and/or financial data), we encrypt and securely transmit this information to our servers. You can verify our secure methods by looking for a closed-lock icon at the bottom of your internet browser or for looking for “https” at the beginning of the website at the top of your internet browser.

While we utilize encryption to protect the information you submit online, we also take serious steps to ensure the protection of your information offline. Only Absolute Rest employees who are required to access your information to perform a specific job (such as billing a customer or providing customer service) are granted access to your personal information. Even further, the computers and servers where we store your information are kept in secure locations and environments.

We hope you enjoy your visit to, and we appreciate your support and involvement in the Absolute Rest community!